Tips For Digitizing Old Photos

Digitizing & Preserving Old Photos & Images
Here are some useful and simple tips about scanning your old images so they can be digitized and preserved for posterity. Keep in mind there is no downside to digitizing your old memories as they generally will only continue to degrade in quality over the years. Preserve them now for future generations to enjoy.
Digitizing photos using a scanner:
Open the scanner lid and place a single photo face down on the scanner glass.
Close the lid gently to avoid moving the photo.
Open the scanning software on your computer and select the appropriate settings such as file format- JPEG or PNG format is recommended
Start the scanning process, and wait for the scanner to capture the image.
Repeat this process for each photo, saving the scanned images to a designated folder on your computer
Note: If you don’t own a scanner ,or don’t want to deal with setting it up, many small businesses centers (Staples, etc.) and drug stores offer digital photo scanning services
Digitizing photos using a camera or cell phone:
Ensure you have adequate lighting to avoid shadows and glare.
Place the photo on a flat surface, ensuring it is well-aligned and not tilted or curved
Hold the camera or cell phone directly above the photo, keeping it steady. A tripod can be very handy in this situation.
Make sure the entire photo is within the frame and in focus.
Take the image by pressing the shutter button or using the camera app's capture function to reduce camera shake
Review the captured image to ensure clarity and proper framing. The larger the file image size captured and saved the better.
Repeat this process for each photo, saving the captured images to a designated folder on your device.
Upload your digitized photos to a folder on your computer
Send your Images For A Free Review:
Once you have the images on your computer please email them to me directly at ray@redstoneadvertising.com. After I receive I will provide a completely free and no obligation review and let you know if any of the images are not a good candidate for restoration or may require extra efforts to repair or reconstruct. If it is a large amount of image files (7 -10 or more) I will send you a link to easily upload them to a private Dropbox file folder I created for you.
Phoenix Area Residents & Businesses:
If you are your company/organization that is based in the Phoenix AZ area and have a large amount of old photos (25 or more) you want digitized and restored I do offer a pick up service with an additional (nominal) fee for travel and professional scanning. Please contact me for more details and quote.
Please contact me if you have any questions about digitizing your old photos.